2012/10/12 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:
>> I'm less concerned than Werner about the inconsistency of the
>> tweak syntax.  The context needs to be specified only rarely, and
>> it is a small price to pay for the enormous gain.
> Well, strictly speaking we are getting hosed at the latest when \tweak
> supports tweaking nested properties.  The problem with \tweak is that
> the syntax really leaves no good place for an optional grob spec.
> We basically have
> \tweak property-path value music
> We can't fit an optional argument before "value" as value can take on
> _any_ value and thus will fit the optional argument.  We can't put it
> _separately_ before property-path since property-path will fit fine
> there as well.  Fitting it before music currently means a restricted
> form of music, and then we have
> \tweak color #red Accidental cis
> which is not all too hot.  So I see really only two reasonably
> consistent solutions that both involve _not_ using \tweak for the
> grobbed variant:
> \tweakGrob Accidental color #red cis
> or
> \single \override Accidental color = #red cis
> since the latter is now available.  It is just more effort both for
> LilyPond and the user.

that last one makes me enthusiastic!
(and apologies for not reading the patch - the time I can spend with
LilyPond source is limited and needed for other projects.)


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