On 11/09/12 13:04, David Kastrup wrote:
Basically every construct that we would be tempted to use <> or s1*0 for
occasionally is one that is not really attached to a note, but rather to
a moment in time.  You can put it in parallel music without changing
results.  Most articulations with a shorthand can be attached to
individual notes in a chord: those are really intrinsically attached to
the note before, and it makes sense keeping that even if per-chord
articulations can be placed into parallel music.  But things like ( ) \(
\) [ ] \p \< \! \> all happen at a moment in time in a voice.  Why is a
tempo change a separate event, but a dynamic change isn't?

This is starting to sound a bit like SCORE's approach, where various different aspects of the music (notes, phrasing, dynamics, ...) are described by separate, parallel sequences: see,

Since you mentioned articulations: one of my personal bugbears with Lilypond has been the case of an articulation that occurs part-way through a given note. Consider e.g. the case of a half-note with a \turn that should occur on the second beat of that half-note. It's something which (unless things have changed in more recent versions, which I'm not aware of) is surprisingly difficult to achieve _effectively_ in Lilypond, because the presence of the offset articulation is not taken into account when calculating horizontal spacing.

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