Francisco Vila <> writes:

> 2012/9/13 Graham Percival <>:
>> IIRC, the old style in lilypond was:
>>   (c c)
> Students whish this came back, I think. No matter how many times I
> insist on it, they always ^H^H^H^H usually fail to remember the
> correct form c( c)
> I find funny that the solution they figured out to remember it, is the
> following: "OK, it is not (c c) but c( c), so the opening bracket is
> misplaced a step right, which leads to
>   c (c)
> "
> Which is somewhat correct anyway. :-) So this way we are back at stage
> one and everyone is happy.

Well, one _could_ write what is now
c( d)( e)
(c ()d e)
instead of
(c (d) e)
by attaching the post-event ) to the stand-alone-event ( with zero
duration instead of the stand-alone-event d.

You don't want to hear me voice my opinion on that, however.  I don't
think we should turn )( and () into different things, so both of those
belong on the same side of a note event.  The case for slurs and beams
is also somewhat more fuzzy than that for dynamics: even though they
don't actually attach to individual notes (like articulations inside of
a chord can), they are not really independent from notes and their note
columns, and you would not place them with spacer rests or have a
separate context for them.

David Kastrup

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