2012/4/24 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>:
> 1) I don't understand what "say hello to LSR" means.

sorry, I meant "goodbye to LSR"

> 2) I don't really understand how LSR snippets are translated, so can't
> comment knowledgably

See CG, 5.8.3, Updating translation committishes (last two paragraphs).

The translations are saved in "Documentation/MY-LANGUAGE/texidocs".
Running makelsr will copy the new translations to the relevant files.
That's why the committish stuff "breaks":

- a snippet gets a new committish
- only the latest language added has the latest makelsr committish and
therefore it's up-to-date for check-translation
- all the other languages will be out-of-date even if they are not

I'm afraid that the only way to avoid this is putting the english
texidoc="" and doctitle="" strings in Documentation/texidocs
and change makelsr.py accordingly.
Translators would then translate and track Documentation/texidoc/* and
ignore totally Documentation/snippets/

I hope that what I wrote makes sense.

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