On 2012/01/11 11:45:19, J_lowe wrote:
I've created

http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2213 so I'll work
on the NR as I did all the \footnote Doc in the first place.

I am assuming you still have to include your documentation edits in
the patch so that the docs compile?

Nope, the last batch of running convert-ly appears to cover this.

The documentation compiles, it just talks nonsense in the text.

On a 'merging' note, should I take the diff file from this tracker for
the input.itely and use that as my base so that I don't end up with
'unable to apply' patch type messages on myside if I work from the
*itely as it is in master?

Since I don't expect significant changes anymore, this sounds
reasonable.  If you wanted to be safer than that, your patch would have
to be sorted into the series _before_ running update-with-convert-ly.
But I would prefer doing the two steps in this review as a single
commit, and if we bounce the doc changes between our private
repositories, this will just complicate matters.


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