>> * decrease the size of all accidentals in markups.
> I also think they are too big.  The question is, how should we
> achieve that?  Is there something like
> "musical-glyphs-font-size-when-used-in-markups"?

Good question.  AFAIK, there isn't such a predefined scaling value
which might be a good thing in general.

>> In fact, the accidentals shouldn't overshoot the height of a normal text:
>> not higher than 'f' and not lower than 'g'.
> Yes, approximately.

I think the question is rather where to position the glyph's baseline.

>> It would be interesting to see trailing accidentals if combined with
>> digits from a figured bass.  Maybe we should have a third, different
>> looking set of accidentals?
> Maybe, but i'd prefer to avoid this if possible for the sake of
> simplicity.

Mhmm, we are using Metafont!  Given the many different noteheads,
controlled by a bunch of meta-variables, I don't see a reason to not
do the same for accidentals, if necessary.  Admittedly, this isn't an
urgent issue, but it was you who has started this thread :-)

> There are two different ways we would like to align accidentals [...]
> The first method (for use with text) should be implemented by moving
> the baseline of the glyphs, i think.


> For the second method, i see two possibilities:
> - use bounding box (adjusted a bit), i.e. the bottom of bounding box
> becomes baseline (i hope its possible?); see attachment 2,

No.  As soon as other characters are involved, the first method should
be used.

> - vertically center the accidental on parent grob.

No.  There is a similar problem in TeX, namely to align a complex
inline mathematical formula along the text line around it.  The only
solution which really works is to align the baselines.  Centering
glyphs gives horrible results; for example, just look at the way how
Wikipedia displays formulae (if converted to little inline gif images)
if you select a different text size for the text.


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