
I've noticed that accidental glyphs don't mix well with text: their
baseline is incorrect, and their size doesn't match the letters.  Look
at the chordnames resulting from input below: the accidentals are too
big.  If they were of correct height, they would become too thin and
generally too small.  Also, look at the figured bass: the accidentals
are totally unreadable - definately too small!  But if we simply
change font-size, they would become too high.
I think the solution is to create a shorter variaton of accidental
glyphs; an example in the attachment.  How do you like this idea?  Do
you think all accidentals should have shorter versions, or would it be
overkill to create for example a shorter version of 3-stemmed sharp or
arrowed flat?


\chords { \set chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t fis gis bes ces fis:m
gis:m es:m ces:m }

  \new Voice { \clef bass dis4 c d ais g fis}
  \new FiguredBass {
    \figuremode {
      < 6 >4 < 7\+ >8 < 6+ [_!] >
      < 6 >4 <6 5 [3+] >
      < _ >4 < 6 5/>4

<<attachment: shorter accidentals.png>>

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