Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011, 13:30:30 schrieb
> In automatic footnotes, there are three pertinent commands
> \autoFootnote
> \autoFootnoteGrob
> \footnote

For the documentation: The first two are music functions, the third one is a 
markup function.

> footnote-auto-numbering (default = ##t)
> -- a function that takes ONE AND ONLY ONE INPUT, which should be an
> INTEGER, and returns the appropriate markup to be used in numbering the
> current prefabbed functions in output-lib.scm that work with this are
> `numbered-footnotes' and `symbol-footnotes'.  You can create your own w/o
> too much hassle, ie: footnote-numbering-function = #(lambda (x) (markup
> #:tiny "thank you james!")) reset-footnotes-on-new-page (default = ##t)
> -- automatic footnote annotations reset on each new page.
> All non-automatic paper-block commands apply to automatic footnotes as
> well.

How about calling that property footnote-numbering?

> *** ATTENTION ***
> For non-automatic footnotes, the paper block MUST contain
> footnote-auto-number = ##f Otherwise, LilyPond will spew numbers all over
> the page.
> *** NOITNETTA ***

Why can't we have both auto-numbered and unnumbered footnotes at the same 
time? The commands to use them are already different, so from a user's 
perspective, they should also work independently.
The only thing that you need to change interface-wise is to add a 
autoFootnoteMarkup function instead of the footnote markup function.

I haven't looked at the code, but it should be straightforward to distinguish 
auto-numbered and unnumbered footnotes (by setting a flag on them).
The numbering would then only work on those that use auto-numbering, all 
others will not be prepended with a numbering...


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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