On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:46 PM, James Lowe wrote:

> Mike,
> I *think* your recent checkin did something to your original \footnote[Grob] 
> code because taking a snippet from my example in my in-progress doc patch
> \version "2.15.6"
> #(set-default-paper-size "a6")
> \book {
>  \relative c' {
>   c1
>    \breathe
>    \footnoteGrob #'BreathingSign #'(1 . 1)
>    \markup { \musicglyph #"rests.4" }
>    \markup { \null }
>  }
> }
> Worked fine.
> Now it prints the numeral '1' all over the place actually. If you change 
> \null to " ", then it goes away but I get a number with no footnote. It also 
> seems to ignore the glyph used in a markup.
> My original intention in my doc patch was to show how to have a 'footnoteGrob 
> markup without a footnote (and also show how you can add space between the 
> copyright and the last footnote), Neil suggested I use \null instead of " " 
> which did the same thing, until now.
> regards


You need to set footnote-auto-numbering = ##f in the paper block in all your 
old examples.


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