On Jul 29, 2011, at 11:24 AM, James Lowe wrote:

> Mike,
> )-----Original Message-----
> )From: m...@apollinemike.com [mailto:m...@apollinemike.com]
> )Sent: 29 July 2011 08:23
> )To: James Lowe
> )Cc: lilypond-devel (lilypond-devel@gnu.org)
> )Subject: Re: auto numbering footnote checkin doesn't play with \null and
> )\musicglyph
> )
> )On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:46 PM, James Lowe wrote:
> )
> )> Mike,
> )>
> )> I *think* your recent checkin did something to your original
> )\footnote[Grob] code because taking a snippet from my example in my
> )in-progress doc patch
> )>
> )> \version "2.15.6"
> )>
> )> #(set-default-paper-size "a6")
> )>
> )> \book {
> )>  \relative c' {
> )>   c1
> )>    \breathe
> )>    \footnoteGrob #'BreathingSign #'(1 . 1)
> )>    \markup { \musicglyph #"rests.4" }
> )>    \markup { \null }
> )>  }
> )> }
> )>
> )> Worked fine.
> )>
> )> Now it prints the numeral '1' all over the place actually. If you change
> )\null to " ", then it goes away but I get a number with no footnote. It also
> )seems to ignore the glyph used in a markup.
> )>
> )> My original intention in my doc patch was to show how to have a
> )'footnoteGrob markup without a footnote (and also show how you can
> )add space between the copyright and the last footnote), Neil suggested I
> )use \null instead of " " which did the same thing, until now.
> )>
> )> regards
> )>
> )
> )James,
> )
> )You need to set footnote-auto-numbering = ##f in the paper block in all
> )your old examples.
> )
> )Cheers,
> )MS
> err.. did you look at the 'weird' pdf example?

Weird? It is beautiful!  

> I didn't get any error from LP when I compiled it, so the user is not going 
> to get any knowledge that something is not right. They are just going to get 
> their music covered with numbers in all the margins and any markups that 
> contain glyphs will not come out (even though they have been explicitly 
> marked). 

I'll post a patch with an error message.

> While documentation does help users do the right thing, we should be 
> reporting in the compilation message that something is wrong when they make 
> the file, I just don't know what can and cannot be used without the \paper { 
> } layout block now. All that this ##f option does as far as I can tell is 
> that it restarts the autonumbering again on the next page.

I have added a convert-ly rule letting users know that this will happen in case 
they've used footnotes in 2.14.

> Also, it seems there are now 3 commands
> \footnote
> \footnoteGrob
> and now \autofootnoteGrob
> but is there \autofootnote too?
> and are you saying the \auto* is mutually exclusive from the other type and 
> if we only have \autofootnoteGrob, what happens (as this example shows) if I 
> want to use \autofootnoteGrob and \footnote you can't?
> I don't think just telling a user to use this in the \paper { } block is good 
> enough compared to what we have.

I will write up a long e-mail either this weekend or tonight with reports on 
how automatic numbering works and send it to devel.  But you're right above - 
there is no \autofootnote command.  And, for now, if you add \paper { 
footnote-auto-numbering = ##f } to all of your examples, they should look 
exactly like they did before.

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