
> In particular, there are several cases:
> a) c1\<\breakDynamicSpan c\!   => It should break the newly created \<
> in all cases
> b) c1\< c\breakDynamicSpan\!   => It should break the existing \<
> c) c1\< c\!\breakDynamicSpan   => It should break the (no longer)
> existing \< ?!?
> d) c1\< c\breakDynamicSpan\> c\! => Should this break the \< or the
> \>????
> e) c1\< c\>\breakDynamicSpan c\! => Should this break the \< or the
> \>????
> From an input perspective, d) and e) should work differently (i.e. the
> order of events SHOULD matter), but the problem is that the engraver
> receives the events reordered, with the break event always being the
> first. Is there any way around this?

Let \breakDynamicSpan not register an event, but a tweak?  That's pretty
much the only way where you can be more selective than an event at time
granularity can be.

I have no idea what this is actually about in detail, I am just
providing a keyword-triggered response.

David Kastrup

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