On 7 February 2011 00:43, Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Here are three patches for some features that I implemented during the 2.13
> cycle so far.
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4133044/
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4129053/
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4132045/
> As I wrote in my other mail to the bug list, I prefer it if the developer
> writes some basic documentation, while some dedicated doc writer makes them
> readable to normal users. So, please understand these patches as a suggestion
> to be improved, not as a final version.

I see the documentation for your new part-combine commands is in there
too, thanks!

On 6 February 2011 23:41, Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:
> Another aspect to consider is that the developer bestk knows what a
> new feature is about and how and in which musical context to use it.

Yes, I wanted to mention that too (when we spoke about this
"documentation policy"), although I'm not a developer (so that was just
an assumption).

> A doc writer, on thze other hand might not have any idea where the
> feature can be used (because it is from an area where he is not
> proficient) and how important it really is. So I would prefer it if
> the developer writes some raw documentation, which can then be
> improved by a dedicated doc writer. That way, the dev ensures that all
> important information about the feature is in the docs, while the doc
> writer ensures that users will understand it.

Many thanks again (to Colin and others too)!


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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