On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 01:41:45PM +0000, James Lowe wrote:
> Where my skill falls down is if the new section names cannot be
> moved lock stock and barrel over to the LM and I have to end up
> making new nodes. Otherwise I can easily just cut/paste edited
> chunks into the existing LM texi/tely files.
> When a decision has been made (do we put this in LM only or
> both?) let me know so I don't waste any time by having to
> re-correct edits.

Nothing goes in LM only.  Let's work on making stuff for Notation.
Then, once that's done, if people has a sad about any nice bits
from the original patch that were removed, we can consider adding
them to Learning.

BTW, making new nodes is very simple; try reviewing Reinhold's
three doc patches, because one of them adds a @node, and because
you should be doing more patch reviewing anyway.

- Graham

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