On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 11:02:16AM -0000, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> I think the spacing controls are now so complex that
> they really do need a 'learning' approach to help
> users understand how to approach page layout.

I'm probably missing something because I don't know what the new
spacing controls are.  But in the basic case, what's complicated
\header {
  title = "title"


My understanding of this stuff is that you can have a \header in a
book or score, with various options to enable or disable
(re)printing fields carrying-over from book to score.  I don't
think this needs a "learning" approach.

> I think we are in danger of falling between the two by paring
> this down.

I think we need to discuss specifics.  Let's pick one portion (I'd
advise the very first @node, or possibly the first two @nodes) and
discuss exactly what we think should be changed in that.

(it may well be the case that the "simple" header stuff can be
pared down without harming anything, whereas whatever additional
complicated header stuff requires more text.  That's fine --
certain @nodes like Setting automatic beaming behavior are more
chatty than other Notation @nodes.)

- Graham

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