This is the regtest:
\version "2.12.0" \header{ texidoc=" Accidentals work: the second note does not get a sharp. The third and fourth show forced and cautionary accidentals. " } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } foo = \relative c'' { \key as \major dis4 dis dis!^"force" dis? } << \foo \context NoteNames \foo >>It produces the attached image, which looks rather odd, since it has an accidental of natural-#. I'm guessing that this is because the key sig is flats, and therefore the flat goes to natural before it goes to sharp, but it looked odd to my eye and that of another bug-squadder. Is it correct behaviour? If so, I think it would justify a note in the description, or indeed a change to the regtest to get rid of the key sig entirely.
-- Phil Holmes Bug Squad
<<attachment: accidental.png>>
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