On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 03:33:02PM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010, um 19:58:58 schrieb Graham Percival:
> > Ouch.  Please do *not* read kainhofer.  From time to time, the
> > docs there stop updating.  In this case, you're looking at old
> > docs which I spent approximately 5 hours rewriting back in August.
> > This is frustrating for everybody involved.
> Actually, I'm getting the results of the daily cronjob via mail, so I should 
> notice as soon as compilation breaks one morning...

Yes, you'll discover any compile *failures*.  But our build system
does not rebuild any manual unless the "main" file (in
Documentation/*.te??) is touched.  Since we only alter those files
twice a year or so, there's lots of old docs on kainhofer.

In particular,
does not include "CG 1.3 lilybuntu", which was added in
on 31 Aug 2010.

Yes, our build system sucks.  No, I'm not going to try to fix this
particular problem.  Yes, I'd be happy with a patch to fix it.
No, I'm not certain that creating such a patch would actually be
an ideal use of time, given all the other problems we have.

- Graham

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