On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 03:43:06AM +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010, um 00:38:54 schrieb Graham Percival:
> > If you want to force a complete compile, then I recommend removing
> > the build directory entirely and starting from scratch.  This is
> > very easy with an out-of-tree build.
> Unfortunately, it seems that an out-of-tree build does not work for the docs, 
> only for the binaries.

I have been exclusively doing out-of-tree builds for my lilypond
work for the past six months at least, and GUB only does
out-of-tree builds.

> -) Documentation/out-www/version.itexi is not created, so lilypond-book fails
> -) Later on, lilypond-book does not find some included *.itely files:
> All snippets are up to date...
> Compiling /home/lilypond/build/Documentation/out-www/common-macros.texi...
> /home/lilypond/build/Documentation/out-www/common-macros.texi is up to date.
> Processing include: pitches.itely
> lilypond-book.py: error: file not found: pitches.itely

The build process includes various warnings about files that
aren't found at various points in the process, but in the end it
all works.  If you've found an error (rather than a warning), then
there must be a problem with some software that's installed in
your linux distribution.  It definitely works "out of the box" in
ubuntu 9.04 and 10.04 (after installing the normal devel libraries
and software).

When switching to an out-of-tree build, make sure you do a
  make distclean
in your main tree (or even better, just nuke it and do a
  git reset --origin hard

Then you need to run
in the *source* tree, followed by
  make distclean
in the *source* tree.  Now you can
  cd ../
  mkdir build-lilypond
  make doc

If anything goes wrong, please report it as a build problem.

- Graham

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