Graham Percival wrote Wednesday, September 08, 2010 12:31 AM

On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 12:15:18AM +0100, Trevor Daniels wrote:
Graham Percival wrote Tuesday, September 07, 2010 8:14 PM

>Hmm... I'm not certain about the paper-size and indent.

Happy to remove paper size and landscape, and book,
but I'd like to keep indent 0 to show the separator
in a more realistic context.

When I replied earlier I'd tried this in a normal
score and removing them worked fine, but I see now
why the example in 4.1.2 specifies paper size,
landscape and book. Without \book the system separator is not displayed in the docs! With
\book it seems the lilypond-book-preamble stuff
is ignored, even when I copy it into \paper.
The main problem is the full A4 page length, complete
with the standard lilypond footer.  Landscape was
used to reduce this a bit.

Any suggestions?  I don't like putting them back in
as they are out of place in NR 1 and are not needed in
a normal score.  Presumably snippets are treated the

I can get round the horizontal positioning problems
by specifying ragged-right and line-width, but \book
is still needed, with the consequent large blank vertical extent.



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