On 2010/07/07 05:55:07, Carl wrote:

> (seeing as this naming convention will have to be changed)?

What does this mean?

I can't remember where I read it, but I was under the impression that
once GLISS starts, we'd have to think about deprecating the use of
`override' and `revert' as part of single commands (save for
\overrideProperty of course)

Do you really want me to rename the file, or was that just for
consistency?  My
current fix is to add the comma back in.

I was just thinking of LSR migration once it has a version bump, but if
you'd like to improve the title, then go ahead.

I wanted to rename this file, so I did
(Documentation/snippets/new/subdividing-beams.ly).  I al

What do I do to get rid of the old name in Documentation/snippets?  Do

I make Documentation/snippets/new/sub-dividing-beams.ly with a markup
that says "THis snippet has been renamed"?

No, just move the snippets, change the titles and emend the
@lilypondfile references.  Then you can do a local update.

Once a full update's done, the old names in
the snippet list files will be deleted (though you can delete them
manually if you prefer.)



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