Le 17 juin 2010 à 17:31, David Kastrup a écrit :

> Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> writes:
>> On 6/17/10 8:59 AM, "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a question about developing Emacs input and major modes for
>>> Lilypond.  What would be the right way to go forward for me?
>>> I want to make use of current Emacs features (like semantic parsing and
>>> similar).  I also want to create input methods for inputting on the
>>> keyboard in chromatic button keyboard layout, but also in parallel for
>>> inputting via midi (I already checked that make-serial-process can be
>>> used for opening and accessing a midi device on GNU/Linux).
>> Are you familiar with lyqi?
>> <http://nicolas.sceaux.free.fr/lilypond/lyqi.html>
> Not chromatic button accordion layout, and I should think that a regular
> input method might be cleaner.  I think I checked it out at one time,
> and the payback for the installation trouble seemed not convincing to
> me.  In particular, French note names were not interesting to me.  I
> should think that the canonical input method should be Dutch.

Err, I should do something about this link which is totaly outdated.
But, for the record, Dutch input method was of course the default, not

I've been writing a new version with a home made parser (see
http://github.com/nsceaux/lyqi) because I was under the impression
that semantics (http://cedet.sourceforge.net/semantic.shtml) was not
responsive enough with respect to incremental parsing, but I may well
be wrong[1].  Indentation is not good yet, but at least the parser as
knowledged of lilypond/scheme/lilypond embedding.  Anyway, it seems
that I've reinvented the wheel (badly).  On the other hand my note
typing as never been so quick.

Several years ago, I used a midi keyboard to enter the notes: one hand
on the midi keyboard, and one hand on the computer keyboard, to set
durations, because I'm a lame keyboard player.  But it turned out that
(in my case) that method was not quicker (or practical) than full computer
keyboard entry.


[1]  Its documentation says that parsing happens mainly in idle
time, whereas I needed that it happens as soon as a typing command is
done (so that the next command can immediately know what the previous
note duration, alteration, etc, is, to modify it).
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