Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 09:08:35AM -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>> On 6/17/10 8:59 AM, "David Kastrup" <> wrote:
>> > Moving existing Lilypond mode stuff into Emacs upstream will require
>> > copyright assignments to the FSF.  A fast hunch whether authors of the
>> > current Lilypond mode can be determined with sufficient precision (for
>> > legal accountability) and would be sympathetic to that, or whether I
>> > should rather have to start from scratch?
>> I would guess that authors can be determined, and that they would be
>> sympathetic.
> My hunch is that authors can be determined, and the ones you can
> contact would be sympathetic.  However, my guess is that half the
> authors of our Emacs stuff will not be contactable for various
> reasons.
> I don't know how picky the FSF is about this,

Picky, if I want to get it into upstream Emacs.  They've just set up a
package repository for third-party stuff.  Would be another option.

> nor how important the existing work is.

No good idea yet.  The whole syntactic stuff I'd likely redo using newer
facilities in order to get sane combined Scheme/Lilypond indentation and

Redoing compiling/viewing/keybindings might be somewhat pointless, in

David Kastrup

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