On 10 April 2010 11:41, Richard Gay <richard....@t-online.de> wrote:

> Currently I am facing a problem which I could not yet find a solution
> to: In order to have syllables put under grace notes, I need to "\set
> includeGraceNotes = ##t" before the syllable *preceding* the "grace
> syllable" -- which might be counterintuitive and is a problem if the
> grace note is the very first of a piece of music.

You shouldn't worry too much about this; it's a technical limitation
of the way lyrics are processed, which also affects the property
 It's fine as long as you document it as a known issue.

> Here, the "foo" does not get put under the "cis8" grace note, but under
> "d2". If one uncomments "c2" and "x", then the syllable assignment is
> as expected ("x" under "c2", "foo" under "cis8").

A \with { } or \context { } block would be a suitable workaround in this case.

Now that I've had chance to test the patch a bit more, there's one
more serious issue which needs fixing: melismata on graces end
prematurely when followed directly by another lyric.

  \new Voice = melody \relative c' {
    \grace { c16[( d e f] }
    g1) f
  \new Lyrics \with { includeGraceNotes = ##t }
  \lyricsto melody {
    Ah __ fa

The automatic melisma (from the slur) should continue to the note
following the graces, but ends too early.


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