In message <>, Ian Hulin <> writes
On 15/02/10 18:47, David Pounder wrote:

Dal Segno Al Coda

A "§" B C "©" D "Dal Segno al Coda" E ==>  A B C D B C E

Firstly, can anyone think of any more combinations I may have missed here?

To Trio.

Thanks for that, David, but isn't that a variant of "Da Capo al Coda" ?

A B "second time to Trio" C "Da Capo"   D "Trio" ==> A B C A B D .

Maybe need to think about adding alternate text for \tocoda.

Or Da Capo / Dal Segno al Fine.

Most marches I play that are in this form are A B A, where B is the Trio. But you still need to mark the Trio as such - I use the same tricks for Trio as for Coda.

Anthony W. Youngman -

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