> ------- Original Message -------
> From: Ian Hulin <i...@hulin.org.uk>
> To: Lilypond Frogs List <fr...@lilynet.net>
> Sent: 15.2.10, 17:40:48
> Subject: [frogs] Da Capos, Codas and Segnos
> Hi Frogs and Developers,
> This is by way of limbering up for a discussion on the GLISS list when 
> it gets going.
> I'm trying to think of all the commoner combinations of Segnos, Codas 
> and Da Capo instructions so maybe we can work out a consistent syntax 
> for addressing what are, after all, variations on the theme of repeat 
> blocks.
> Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head
> Da Capo al Fine:
> A "Fine" B "Da Capo al Fine" ==> A B A
> Dal Sego Al Fine
> A "§" B "Fine" C "Dal Segno Al Fine" ==> A B C B
> Da Capo Al Coda
> A B  "©" C "Da Capo al Coda" "©" D ==> A B C A B D
> Dal Segno Al Coda
> A "§" B C "©" D "Dal Segno al Coda" E ==> A B C D B C E
> Firstly, can anyone think of any more combinations I may have missed here?

To Trio.

> Secondly, what I had in mind was this kind of thing:
>     * \dalsegno and \dacapo - both of these start off a segno/dacapo
>       section.  I know it's a bit weird that the \dacapo command would
>       have to be at the start of the score, but I think it would be
>       beneficial in terms of syntax checking.
>     * \dalsegno and \dacapo both take a keyword and a music expression
>       as parameters. The keyword is either /coda/, /fine/ or it is
>       omitted.  If it is omitted it defaults to /fine/.
>     * \fine - checks if a \dacapo or \dalsegno block are current and
>       that the last \dalsegno or \dacapo used a /fine/ keyword.  If so
>       it, generates a double bar and "Fine" markup.
>     * \tocoda - checks if a \dacapo or \dalsegno block are current, and
>       that the last \dalsegno or \dacapo used a /coda/ keyword.  If so
>       it generates a double bar and "Al ©" markup. (For © read the coda
>       hot-cross-bun sign).
>     * \endDaCapo, \endDalSegno terminate the block.  They firstly check
>       if a block is current, and what kind of keyword was used. If the
>       block was started with a /fine/ keyword, it generates a double bar
>       and a markup "Dal Segno"|"Da Capo" al "Fine"|"Coda", depending on
>       the type of block and the keyword parameter used.
>           o If the coda keyword was used a \break is generated and the ©
>             markup generated ready for the next music expression.
> Comments welcome.
> Cheers,
> Ian

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