Le 31 janv. 2010 à 12:50, Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :

> Before ~1800, the G clef was mainly used for violins, while all choral voices 
> and 
> most other instruments used either a C-clef of the bass clef, thus in 
> German, it is now usually called the "Violin-Schlüssel". The English name 
> "treble clef" seems to come from an even later time, after the notation 
> for soprano has switched away from the C-clef to the G-clef.

In France, during 17th and 18th, soprano voices ("dessus") were notated with
2nd line G-clef, whereas violins were notated with 1st line G-clef (or
sometimes 1st line C-clef). So called "bas-dessus" voices were notated with
1st-line C-clefs.


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