Marc Hohl wrote:
Trevor Daniels schrieb:
It is easy
for a user to move the sign to the end of the staff lines with

   \once \override Score.BarLine #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0)
   \once \override Score.SpanBar #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0)

if this was really wanted, although this would admittedly push
it into the right margin.

Indeed. It's not quite exactly '(1 . 0), but just slightly less, but this is nearly not noticeable.

Would it make sense to provide another varsegno symbol which looks exactly as
the one I have drawn, but has no positive witdh (to the right of the center)?

This sounds more elegant than the tweak above, but I'm not sure if this alone is worth the effort of an additional symbol.

Another idea: Is it possible to have a double bar line at the end of a line, and the segno bar line at the beginning of the next? What about ".S" doing this, as opposed to "S", or have an additional "||S" and "S||"?


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