Hi Alexander,

Alexander Kobel schrieb:


I just noticed that the 'extra-offset won't influence the spacing of the notes before the bar line. The better property to tweak should be the right-edge extra space, but this does not work if the line ends prematurely. (See the attached example.) Still, like Trevor I'm not sure why modifying the X-extent does not work - this should be the favourite option, theoretically equivalent to another glyph without positive width, right?
Playing around with your code example, it seems that overriding the X-extent seems to work, so we can use that. I would left this decision to the user, perhaps we could mention this in the docs once the
whole segno story has settled down.



\paper { ragged-last = ##t }

\relative c'' {
  c4^"no tweaks"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \bar "S." \break

  c4^"no tweaks"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \bar "S." \break

  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0)
  \bar "S." \break

  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'X-extent = #'(-1 . 0)
  \bar "S."  \break
  c4^"right-edge extra-space"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S." \break

  c4^"right-edge extra-space (with \stopStaff)"
  \repeat unfold 11 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S." \stopStaff s1 \bar "" \break \startStaff

  c4^"X-extent (with \stopStaff)"
  \repeat unfold 11 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'X-extent = #'(-1 . 0)
  \bar "S." \stopStaff s1 \bar "" \break \startStaff

  c4^"right-edge extra-space (with ragged-last = ##t)"
  \repeat unfold 11 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S."
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