On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Mark Polesky <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Pardon my confusion; I've been doing a lot of stuff here and
> I've not yet figured out what causes what.  Among the many
> things I've done recently is this command (from CG 2.1.2
> "Requirements"): $ sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond
> Not sure if that was what put texi2html on my system, but if
> it was, it put an older version (1.78 I think).  But 1.82 is
> needed to build the docs, so I wonder if that's something
> that can be fixed?  No idea how all of this works.  I was
> able to compile version 1.82 from the sources, so I'm fine
> with that, just wondering if the build-dep package needs
> tweaking.
To see which version is installed right now do

  texit2html --version

If it says 1.78, then do

  sudo apt-get remove texi2html

Then cd to the directory where you built 1.82 and do "sudo make install".

If it already says 1.82 then you're in business and don't need to do
anything further.  Ubuntu has had this outdated version for a long time. I
always have to build it from source, and in fact I included 1.82 in the
lilybuntu remix I made a while back. I don't know who's the package manager
for Ubuntu but I sure wish they'd put the new version in the repo...

Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-devel mailing list

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