Hi Mark,

I'm pleased to see you back on the lists :-)

Le samedi 12 décembre 2009 à 13:23 -0800, Mark Polesky a écrit :
> Hey everyone,
> Pardon my confusion; I've been doing a lot of stuff here and
> I've not yet figured out what causes what.  Among the many
> things I've done recently is this command (from CG 2.1.2
> "Requirements"): $ sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond
> Not sure if that was what put texi2html on my system, but if
> it was, it put an older version (1.78 I think).  But 1.82 is
> needed to build the docs, so I wonder if that's something
> that can be fixed?  No idea how all of this works.  I was
> able to compile version 1.82 from the sources, so I'm fine
> with that, just wondering if the build-dep package needs
> tweaking.

I'm not sure I understand the issue, but you might want to ask Ubuntu
packagers to bump texi2html to 1.82 in all currently maintained
sitributions (or at least making it easily installable from apt-get if
it should not be the default version, but I doubt there is a reason for
this), and update texi2html requirement in Lily .deb source pacckage.


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