> So I'd think it would be nice to write something like
> { G4 g D // | //// // //// // | \time 3/4 G g / | D // / | ////// // / | }
> (number of slashes corresponds with how far you have to look
> backwards, in this case counting slash sequences new when they
> appear) or without reslash memory (probably saner)
> { G4 g D // | /// // / // | \time 3/4 G g / | D // // | /// // // | }
> (uppercase letters are single bass notes, lower case are chords).
> The idea was to be able to refer back more than one note, _and_ use
> the existence of backreference as an additional indication that the
> printed score does not need to spell out the chord/bass either.

Hmm.  I won't mind if `q' is able to repeat a single note too, for the
sake of consistency.  Nicolas, would this be difficult to implement?


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