On 2009/12/03 22:26:04, dak wrote:
On 2009/12/03 17:34:24, c_sorensen_byu.edu wrote:
> How about scm/document-markup.scm?

AFAICS scm/document-markup.scm is only loaded on documentation runs,
and then
last.  I don't see how it could be used for switching documentation
either on or off.  When it is loaded at all, all information must
already have
been collected.

Currently I don't see a better way forward than using a special command
line option, something like -dindex-markup on documentation runs.  As
far as I can see, everything else would come too late in the load order.
 Nicolas' proposal to only index inside of the lily module would work,
but it is rather intransparent to the user and I would not want to seal
the possibility to let the user index his own markup, anf just his own.
Since there is no point in the collection overhead on non-documentation
runs, I think it ok if, unlike now, the default is not to collect any
indexing info.

If I get no objections, I'll try making a patch for that.


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