Le 13 nov. 2009 à 13:25, David Kastrup a écrit :
Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> writes:
Since the patch (as I understand it) ensures that q does not
anything except the notes, q allows for
<c e g>8-. q-^ q-. q-^
etc., right? Obviously, this would *not* be possible with something
<c e g>4*8
OTOH, something like
{ <c e g>8-. <c e g>-^ }*2
is not doable with the q approach.
Of course not, the chord shortcuts are for something else, as Kieren has
explained. By the way what you ask is already there.
x = #(define-music-function (parser location times music) (number?
(make-repeat "unfold" times music '()))
\x#2 { <c e g>8-. q-^ }
Slightly more verbose than what you propose, and more hackish you
might say,
but hell, it's gratis. (P**ain, I should have thought about it sooner.)
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