David Kastrup schrieb:
But *4 is _logical_.  You can guess what it does without looking it up
in the manual.
No. Since it looks like a multiplication, it treats the number, not
the notes (at least for me). So < c e g>4*4 could be interpreted as
< c e g >16, which is not what we want.
In fact, I was quite surprised at what <c e g>4*4 does currently.  Makes
no sense to me.  Can't imagine what it would be good for.

The * operator scales the length of a note without changing its apperarance, see:


I used it for displaying a hihat played shuffled to synchronize the two hihat beats with note 1 and 3 of a snare triplet, for example. Ok, I think it is used seldom in (more-or-less) normal scores,
but it isn't useless.


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