2009/9/11 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>:
> FWIW, I've now added a .mailcap file, so names like "wl" or "Andrew Hawyluk" 
> or
> "Carl Sorensen" should now be combined with the correct names "Werner
> Lemberg", "Andrew Hawryluk" and "Carl D. Sorensen".
> So "git shortlog" or "git shortlog -s" should now give less contributors and a
> better overview.

Well, we have duplicated the effort. I mentioned this in this very thread.

There is no need to put names and addresses that are already correctly
spelt in the file; it only makes sense if names or addresses vary for
the same author.  Anyway, we now have a comprehensive e-mail

> There are some open committers, though:
> kroger <kroger>

Pedro Kroger <kroger>

> reuter <reuter>

Jürgen Reuter,  reuter [at] ipd [dot] uka [dot] de

> root <r...@tsubasa.(none)>

Graham Percival.

> andrew <and...@obi-wan.(none)>

this could be Andrew Hawryluk or A. Wilson

> erik <erik>

Erik Sandberg <erik>

> fred <fred>

Han-Wen Nienhuys and Jan Nieuwenhuizen <fred>

> uid67283 <uid67283>

Han-Wen Nienhuys <uid67283>, I think

>> It leads to the question -- already in mind from browsing the git log --
>> who is 'fred'?  There is no full name and no email ('fred <fred>'), but
>> a lot of commits are in his name.  Is this someone responsible for much
>> code?
> IIRC, that's the name that Jan or Han-Wen used to import the old versions into
> git (or svn).

I asked the same on February and here is the answer:

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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