On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 09:28:02AM +0200, Marc Hohl wrote:
> Graham Percival schrieb:
>> Yes, this is planned.  It's been on my list of discussions to
>> introduce when the website/build stuff is finished, for about two
>> months now.
> Sorry to interrupt, but what's wrong with prefix notation?

Nothing necessarily, but a mixture of prefix and postfix is
confusing.  I mean, consider this:

c8([\f\[ \dynamicUp d--\harmonic\cr)-\startTrillSpan \slurUp  
e](\stopTrillSpan\] f\!)

Which notes does each element of notation affect?  Granted, this
is a confusing example... but if we standardized on either postfix
or prefix notation, it would be simple.  Everything from c8 to d
affects the C, everything from d to e affects the D, etc.
(shifted accordingly if we used prefix)

> I mean, we code and read music from left to right, so
> it seems nore natural to me to have the command changing
> the behaviour of a note in front of it.

Well, -> changes the articulation of a note, \mf changes the
dynamics of the note... why should things like \harmonic or
\makeRed (if somebody invented one) come *before* the note, rather
than *after* it?

- Graham

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