On 8/5/09 7:22 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> wrote:
>> In the meantime, we can move forward on tablature.
>> As I see it, the current decision causes problems only if we were
>> to change
>> to xHead in the future and eliminate deadNote. And I see no plans
>> in the
>> future to eliminate deadNote.
>> Does this make sense to you?
> Thanks Carl and Marc for the explanations.
> I think it was a pity that the groundwork
> for a more generic approach was not laid
> down right away, so we could have easily
> added the aliases for all the other uses
> of crossheads, but I accept that no great
> harm has been done by this parochial approach,
> as long as future developers don't forget
> this can be easily changed. Now it's documented
> here there is less chance of that, but it
> would be even better if you could do it
> while it's fresh in your mind :)
I'll try to get the fix taken care of in the next few days.
I think we want a generic changer that applies to Voice contexts and can
change a note either solo or in a chord context.
We probably also want a generic changer that applies to TabVoice contexts
that works the same way.
Then we can define aliases for particular instruments that will work with
the particular needs of that instrument.
Having stated this, I hope to get it done in the next couple of days.
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