Le dimanche 09 août 2009 à 16:48 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Mao.  So that means that we don't want to add
>   git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
> to the git setup, and we still have to tell people to do
>   git pull -r
> instead of
>   git pull
> ?
You didn't read the end of the paragraph I added in the CG.  Actually,
we could make this option standard (except for people who merge master
and lilypond/translation), if and only if contributors are required to
use committishes in the head of translated files exclusively from
git.sv.gnu.org master branch.  I'm thinking about adding a command (a
make target, actually) to update committishes in a way that meets this

>   And even worse, the difference between those two commands
> depends on what kind of update the contributor is working on?!

Yes, except if we have the requirement explained above.  As all
translators eventually mess up committishes (I already did), this would
be saner.


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