Dan Eble wrote:
> That reminds me of a problem I once encountered.  Aren't
> accidentals normally supposed to be cancelled by the next bar
> line?  This one carries over, so that the second B flat has no
> flat printed.
> \version "2.12.1"
> \include "english.ly"
> \relative c'
> {
>   c4 c bf \bar "||" bf | c1
> }

Well, that's not a functional barline, it's just printed. It's
similar to putting ":|" which prints a repeat sign, but doesn't
cause LilyPond to recognize the previous section as repeated. I
guess NR 1.2.5 could make this clearer.

original paragraph:

This and other special bar lines may be inserted manually at any
point. When they coincide with the end of a measure they replace
the simple bar line which would have been inserted there
automatically. When they do not coincide with the end of a measure
the specified bar line is inserted at that point in the printed
output. Such insertions do not affect the calculation and
placement of subsequent automatic bar lines. 

proposed revision:

This and other special bar lines may be inserted manually at any
point. When they coincide with the end of a measure they replace
the simple bar line which would have been inserted there
automatically. When they do not coincide with the end of a measure
the specified bar line is inserted at that point in the printed

Note that manual bar lines are purely visual. They do not affect
any of the properties that a normal bar line would affect, such as
measure numbers, accidentals, line breaks, etc. They do not affect
the calculation and placement of subsequent automatic bar lines.
When a manual bar line is placed where a normal bar line already
exists, the effects of the original bar line are not altered.

If anyone likes this change, feel free to make it; I'm currently

- Mark

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