Le vendredi 07 août 2009 à 23:27 -0600, Andrew Hawryluk a écrit :
> I can't speak for the future content of
> http://lilypond.org/~graham/Text-input.html, but I will be working on
> the next version of the essay (once the directory structure for images
> in Documentation/ stabilizes), and it should not require any
> bit-mapped text. Even in cases such as
> http://lilypond.org/web/images/lily14-sarabande-correct.png, the
> corrections could be highlighted visually without requiring that
> descriptions occur in the image.

I'm going to support for building the web site with SVG images that
include translations for Text input page, so there's no problem if you
want to use annotated SVG in the essay too.


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