On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Till Paala<till.ret...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello Graham and John
> Graham Percival schrieb:
> On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 02:53:51PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Le mardi 04 août 2009 à 05:20 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Eh?  Why on earth would the Examples change for different
> languages?  IIRC, we currently have French lyrics, Italian musical
> terms, German titles, Italian lyrics, an English instrument name,
> Italian instrument names, a Hungarian (?) title, Italian titles,
> some English lyrics and directions... if there was ever part of
> the docs that we could say "yeah, we really don't need any
> translations here", it would be the pngs on
> Introduction->Examples.
> I was thinking on annotated SVG examples, which should be created for
> the essay BTW -- I believed Till had taken this over a while ago, but I
> never got news about this.
> Do you mean the annotated SVGs in web->Introduction->Text input?
> I read this only today, the volume on -devel ist just a bit too strong for
> my present pace.
> I had had a look at this svg generation a long time ago and was able to
> understand how svgs work as well as change a string inside of a file
> manually but I have no idea about the building scripts and so I didn't go
> further here. So far the web/switch/howto.html has svgs that ge translated
> in all languages. I thought it would be nice to have also other annotated
> examples especially in the essay to be translated according to language (e.g
> the notation examples that show how the software improved). But as said I
> gave up long ago neither have the time for it at the present moment.

I can't speak for the future content of
http://lilypond.org/~graham/Text-input.html, but I will be working on
the next version of the essay (once the directory structure for images
in Documentation/ stabilizes), and it should not require any
bit-mapped text. Even in cases such as
http://lilypond.org/web/images/lily14-sarabande-correct.png, the
corrections could be highlighted visually without requiring that
descriptions occur in the image.


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