Le lundi 03 août 2009 à 05:57 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> ok, I'm willing to go as far as adding a single "View sources"
> link at the bottom of the page, which takes people to a
> Snippets->Examples page.  Of course, that would require adding the
> Examples to LSR (or at least new/), requiring yet more build
> hackery, and introducing more black magic that Jonathan and I
> won't understand.

Of course not, a simple link to the sources directory is enough IMHO.

> ... you know, I *really* think that the examples should be left
> alone.

Yes, generated directly by calling LilyPond :-)

>   We don't want newbies looking at the source, because it'll
> only confuse and scare them.

That's true, but (the few) curious people should be satisfied too.

>   They complicate the build process
> even more.

I'm not sure what this means, but it's hard to scare me with the build

> Wow, you're right.  Some files in input/ are included, others
> aren't.  Some dirs in input/mutopia/ are included, others aren't.
> What a maoing mess!

Let's not bury input/ and input/mutopia too quickly, or please tell me a
new directory name for the examples .ly sources...


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