On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 07:51:46PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Le lundi 27 juillet 2009 à 17:26 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit : 
> > There are *plenty* of lilypond sources available.  I really think
> > that adding complexity to the Introduction pages would not be
> > warranted.
> Just like free software source code should be reachable from a place
> where you get binaries, I think we should provide sources for examples.

In a "free software" sense, they can get the sources from the

> I'm not against hiding source links as much as possible in the
> Introduction pages, though.

ok, I'm willing to go as far as adding a single "View sources"
link at the bottom of the page, which takes people to a
Snippets->Examples page.  Of course, that would require adding the
Examples to LSR (or at least new/), requiring yet more build
hackery, and introducing more black magic that Jonathan and I
won't understand.

... you know, I *really* think that the examples should be left
alone.  We don't want newbies looking at the source, because it'll
only confuse and scare them.  They complicate the build process
even more.  Everything about this is screaming "not worth the
effort" to me.

> > All the files in input/ and input/mutopia/ (which isn't AFAIK
> > available anyway!)
> Huh, many of them are available through examples page!

Wow, you're right.  Some files in input/ are included, others
aren't.  Some dirs in input/mutopia/ are included, others aren't.
What a maoing mess!

> >   are getting deleted.  Introduction->Examples
> > is their replacement.
> > 
> > Yes, there are no complete pieces there, but we already have
> > *tons* of lilypond input examples available.
> Where else can you find these particular ones for current Lily versions?

Good point.  I'll think about this.

- Graham

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