2009/7/27 Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org>:
>> - What is a good name for the new articulation?
> I suggest `vertical stroke'.  At least this seems to be the name
> referred to in the literature for the staccato-like symbol which
> Mozart uses.

OK, considering the many different meanings this symbol can apparently
have, I guess that's the most sensible suggestion.

>> - What should be the precise shape (width/height ratio)? Currently I
>> use height = 1 staff_space and width = 1/5 staff_space (see attached
>> sample).  Opinions?
> For Mozart, the stroke should perhaps a bit shorter -- maybe two
> different symbols?

Attached are two samples for long and short strokes with varying
width. The long strokes have height = staff_space, the shorter ones
height = 0.8*staff_space (is that a reasonable choice?). Each file
contains strokes of each type with ten different widths, namely
i*0.05*staff_space, for i=1,..,10. Which do you prefer? I tend to lean
towards #4 for the shorter ones and #4 or #5 for the longer ones, but
that's just my personal aesthetics.

I'd be happy about opinions from you guys because I have never seen
this symbol in a real score and am simply trying to provide the code.
But I'd prefer to leave the choice of the actual appearance to people
more knowledgeable in this area.


Attachment: vstroke_long.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: vstroke_short.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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