Maximilian Albert wrote:
> OK, thanks. Any suggestions for a name? I can't think of a good one
> which concisely captures the glyph's meaning (mainly because I don't
> know what that meaning is :-P).

Michael Käppler, in his original post for this thread suggested
that it implies some extra "weight" given to the note, but I'd
like to find some documented description of this in the primary
literature (baroque treatises, etc.) before committing to

In the classic 1752 treatise "Essay of a Method for Playing the
Transverse Flute" by Johann Joachim Quantz, Chapter 27, Section 2,
Subsection 27, it says this:

   If the word "staccato" appears in a piece, all the
   notes must be played with a short and detached bow.
   Since, however, an entire piece is at present
   rarely composed in a single species of notes, and
   we take care to indicate a good mixture of
   different types, little strokes are written above
   notes which require the staccato.

This is taken from the English translation; I don't know if
something was lost in translating the German word for "strokes".
If anyone happens to have access to the original German version,
I'd be curious to hear how it reads.

Also, the Oxford Companion to Music has this in the entry for

   ...marked in notation in different ways: with a dot
   (the most common method), a vertical stroke, a small
   wedge, or a horizontal line (implying an accent).

Can anyone find any other references to this? I find no mention of
it in the notation manuals by Gardner Read and Kurt Stone.

- Mark

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