Op dinsdag 30-06-2009 om 00:59 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> > > Why dont you just leave them, and remove them if someone sends a 
> > > nastygram?
> > 
> > +1.
> Because if anybody complains, it's kind-of hard to pretend it was
> an innocent mistake after this archived, public discussion.

Yes, so let's not claim that.  Of course, you can argue either way,
so why not argue in the direction of what we want right now.  This
may very well be the outcome that the other party would like to see
too, they may even clarify their legalese wording on it ;-)

So, instead, we can say that, *if* anyone should complain

  - users are greatly helped by/need clear image logos
  - every single project has it's own unreadable legalese
    and we cannot afford the time and money to get a lawyer
    go over this
  - it strikes us that these legalese are in place to prevent
    misuse/slander etc, and *not* to slow down other free software
    projects, or hinder other free software (*your*) users?
  - we still feel that the way we use all logos, is a helpful,
    respectful and most probably the best possible way we can
    do it.
  - what would help us, is if *you* had some page up, not with
    what we cannot do, but rather with helpful examples of what
    we *can* do.  please point us to the logo you want us to
    use and we'll replace it asap, thanks!

> > I still think having all distro's linux logos has a nice warm
> > fuzzy look.
> Oh mao no.  Then we'd need *another* set of legalese, look up all
> the licenses on the individual distros, etc.

I say, don't get your panties all in a knot.  Logos are helpful,
we add a blanked "logos and trademarks are acknowledged" and
as we are a volunteer effort without any resources, we can ask
politely for a donation in the form of new suggested content
(be it text or image) that we should put on the page.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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