On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 01:44:05AM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Graham Percival a écrit :
>> Despite that, I must admit that I misremembered the previous
>> discussion about the website.  I thought we'd all agreed on
>> texi, but reading the discussion now, I see that opinions were all
>> over the map.  :|
> IIRC there was some consensus about writing some documents in Texinfo  
> (mainly the essay), but none about writing the whole website this way.

Yeah, this matches my second reading of the emails.

Hmm.  I guess we could rename AU to "General Information" or
something like that?  This new doc would include:
   (in no particular order)
- crash course
- alternate editors (in particular jedit and the like)
- OS-specific setup
- command-line options
- mailists, how to report bugs, info about LSR
- lilypond-book and convert-ly
- essay
- comparsions (if we do them)
- press/publications
- testimonials
- acknowledgements + dedication
- examples

... mao.  That's 90% of the material on the website.  I mean, it
only leaves the main page, features, download links, and the
"current help wanted" pages.

- Graham

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