On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 11:56:26PM -0800, Patrick McCarty wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Frédéric Bron <frederic.b...@m4x.org> wrote:
> > Because \dim starts on the next note, you have to put it before \ff
> > which is the contrary of what happens really! If you put \dim after
> > \ff, the "dim" starts on the next note and it is possible that the
> > "ff" and the "dim" are not put on the same line.
> > This illustrates perfectly why I would like that \cresc and \dim start
> > on the next note.
> You mean that you would like \cresc and \dim to start on the previous
> note, right?

> g4 \< g g g \!
> g4 \cresc g g g \endcresc
> These two examples should have the same behavior, IMO.  That is, the
> commands apply to the *previous* note.

Agreed.  I'd love it if this could happen.

> I think we need to rework \cresc, \dim, etc. so that they use a
> modified version of make-span-event (the procedure \cr, \decr, etc.
> use).  Right now, with these commands, a SequentialMusic expression is
> created, so the behavior will only apply to notes *following* the
> command.

Yes.  I think that somebody (a Frog?) would need to make \cresc a
built-in command rather than simply being defined in
ly/spanner-init.ly (or maybe dynamics-init.ly ?)

It would require a fair amount of understanding about lilypond,
but it's definitely a worthwhile project.  :)

- Graham

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