Hi Neil,

thanks a lot for your further very helpful ideas. Attached is a patch
for a new approach which implements your suggestion to define a new
property. It's called 'shifted-towards-stem and can take any real
value, where 0.0 means to keep the default position (centered on the
note-head) and 1.0 means centered on the stem (intermediate values are
of course possible). I also added a check whether the grob in question
actually possesses a stem, so it works well for skips, too (perhaps
there is a more Lilypond-ish way of doing things but as far as I could
test, it works).

Since Reinhold said it would be best to make the shifting optional and
off by default, I didn't set any properties in script.scm. But the
shifting can of course be overridden in the .ly file itself (see
attached example). My only question is, how can I set the property for
individual script types instead of all scripts at once, i.e. what
would I need to write instead of

  \override Script #'shifted-towards-stem = #'1.0

if I wanted to enable shifting only for staccato marks, say?


P.S.: In case this gets approved in one form or the other, what would
be necessary to document it properly? Add a LSR example, a regression
test, something else? Anything I need to keep in mind when writing
From 383b8f1bf05af263fb8049bc41b1895e59de3a2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED](none)>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 15:09:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] New grob-property 'shifted-towards-stem (allows scripts to be placed anywhere between the note head and the stem)

 lily/script-interface.cc       |    1 +
 scm/define-grob-properties.scm |    4 ++++
 scm/output-lib.scm             |   20 +++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/script-interface.cc b/lily/script-interface.cc
index a525500..8195ccc 100644
--- a/lily/script-interface.cc
+++ b/lily/script-interface.cc
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ ADD_INTERFACE (Script_interface,
 	       "positioning-done "
 	       "script-priority "
 	       "script-stencil "
+	       "shifted-towards-stem "
 	       "slur "
 	       "slur-padding "
diff --git a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
index b697af3..98dde0e 100644
--- a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
@@ -551,6 +551,10 @@ value @code{-1} means left aligned, @[EMAIL PROTECTED], and
 values may also be specified.")
      (self-alignment-Y ,number? "Like @code{self-alignment-X} but for
+     (shifted-towards-stem ,number? "Amount by which scripts are shifted
+towards the stem if their direction coincides with the stem direction.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] means keep the default position (centered on the note head),
[EMAIL PROTECTED] means centered on the stem. Interpolated values are possible.")
      (shorten-pair ,number-pair? "The lengths to shorten a
 text-spanner on both sides, for example a pedal bracket.  Positive
 values shorten the text-spanner, while negative values lengthen it.")
diff --git a/scm/output-lib.scm b/scm/output-lib.scm
index b93edda..34768e5 100644
--- a/scm/output-lib.scm
+++ b/scm/output-lib.scm
@@ -669,4 +669,22 @@ centered, X==1 is at the right, X == -1 is at the left."
 (define-public (script-interface::calc-x-offset grob)
   (ly:grob-property grob 'positioning-done)
-  (ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent grob))
+  (let* ((shift (ly:grob-property grob 'shifted-towards-stem))
+	 (note-head-pos (ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent grob))
+	 (note-head-grob (ly:grob-parent grob X))
+	 (stem-grob (ly:grob-object note-head-grob 'stem)))
+    (+ note-head-pos
+       ;; If the property 'shifted-towards-stem is defined and the script has the
+       ;; same direction as the stem, move the script accordingly. Since scripts can
+       ;; also be over skips, we need to check whether the grob has a stem at all.
+       (if (or (null? shift)
+	       (null? stem-grob))
+	   0.0
+	   (let* ((dir1 (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
+		  (dir2 (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'direction))
+		  (common-refp (ly:grob-common-refpoint grob stem-grob X))
+		  (stem-pos (ly:grob-relative-coordinate stem-grob common-refp X)))
+	     (if (equal? dir1 dir2)
+		 (* shift (- stem-pos
+			     note-head-pos))
+		 0.0))))))

Attachment: shifted_scripts.ly
Description: Binary data

<<attachment: shifted_scripts.png>>

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