2008/10/24 Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If we're keeping track (informally) of user requests for certain features,
> you can add my name to the list of users who'll make good use of arrowed
> accidentals.

Yeah, I had the feeling you'd be interested :-)

However, the other feature request I mentioned in the tracker (same
link) was the support for non-quartertones micro-intervals. Han Wen
made me realize this was already possible (and used in makam.ly for
instance), but from a user's point of view, we have'nt convenient
shortcuts/interface/implementation/whatever to specify, say a
third-tone or a sixth-tone whenever you need it.

So, this side of the question remains: how would *you* be able to use
microtones, without typing lines of Scheme code? Do you have any
concept in mind (code-wise)?

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