2008/10/15 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I like the idea, and this would indeed make compiling a lot faster,
> but it you overwrite the 'length property, then you loose the ability
> to use both showLastLength and showFirstLength (i.e. process *both*
> the beginning and the end of the music)?

Greetings Han-Wen,

Attached is a patch that implements what you suggested. It does
override the 'length property, but if both showLast and showFirst are
set it will revert to the "slow" way so both the end and the beginning
can be printed. In this case, it adds a double barline between the two
parts; I could have made up a property to allow users to specify a
different separator, but it seems a bit far-fetched.

PS. for the n-th time I tried to upload it to the online codereview,
but it miserably fails:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] git]$ git cl upload
Command "git config branch.master.merge" failed.
Unable to determine default branch to diff against.
Either pass complete "git diff"-style arguments, like
  git cl upload origin/master
or verify this branch is set up to track another (via the --track argument to
"git checkout -b ...").
[EMAIL PROTECTED] git]$ git cl upload master
No output from ['git', 'diff', '--full-index', 'master']

Of course, it would be simpler if the tool natively supported git...
But I can't understand why git-cl can't work. Is it because I'm using
git 1.6?


Attachment: 0001-new-showFirstLength-feature.patch
Description: Binary data

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